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RtD A Cappella holds a two-session audition, starting with initial auditions, then callbacks. For the first audition, you can expect to find a few greeters outside of the audition room to help make you feel comfortable. You’ll sit and talk, probably hear some bad jokes, and fill out our audition information sheet. This sheet gives us a better grasp on who you are in ways we won’t see during the audition. Then, you’ll walk into the audition room, where a panel of 3-5 of our members will ask you to sing a few scales, intervals, and give a short tonal memory test. Then, we will ask to hear a 1-2 minute prepared solo of your choice. Then we will decide on who we will call back.


All of our members and callbacks will be together in one session for around two hours. We’ll begin by a few introductions, warm up and go over the callback songs with your sectional as we would in a normal rehearsal. After this, we will hear the songs in quartets. This is when you will show off that vocal talent with a solo from one of the callback songs. Lastly, we'll have a bit of prayer and spiritual time praising our Lord and Savior! After callbacks are over, we will deliberate, pray, sweat, cry, shout, and argue over who shall be joining the craziness that is RtD.



  • First and foremost, be yourself! When auditioning people, we are definitely searching for personality and relationship with God, not only talent!

  • Relax! First, we understand what you’re going through as an auditionee - we’ve all been through it! Also, know that we’re people too, not scary mean zombies! (Though our website suggests otherwise…) Know that we’re simply brothers and sisters in Christ!!

  • Make sure to pick a song that fits you and your personality. Pick something crazy, something serious, something fun, something weird - whatever truly fits who you are and how you love to sing. Having said that, also try to prepare something that we will most likely know. It’s definitely helpful to you if we know the notes you’re going to sing, rather than guessing at your accuracy. If we don’t know the song you sing well enough, we may ask you to sing another song that will give us a better hint at your singing ability. Also, try to avoid songs that contain many words only, rather than singing (i.e. raps).

  • Make sure to sing out! Don’t hold back your voice because of nervousness or anything else. We’d love to see everything you’ve got, and if we can’t hear it, that seriously detracts from our perception of your singing ability!

  • Have fun with it!



 Hayley,    Musical Director

Updated 2019 // H. Martinez

Copyright © 2013 Road to Damascus. All Rights Reserved.

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